Sound Asleep Film Crowd Funding

Help Make Sound Asleep Happen and Get Some Amazing Rewards!

Film making is an expensive business. Even pulling in loads of favours and all the senior crew working for free there are some costs we just can’t avoid. Studio hire, equipment, insurance, special effects – it all adds up.
This is an unusual film – we’ve never seen anything quite like it. To do it right we need your support.  We successfully reached our funding goal on Kickstarter. Thank you to everyone who backed us.
We are still welcoming new backers, as even on the budget we raised, Sound Asleep will still be low budget film making. Every additional penny adds significantly to the look, sound and success of the project.

Make a Donation ButtonIf you over-slept and missed the Kickstarter window, but you still want to get into bed with us, you can still use this Paypal button to back the film. If you want a reward, check out the rewards on the Kickstarter page – currently they are all still available – and then enter your choice on the text field when you go through Paypal. If you don’t want a reward, just leave the note field blank.

Sweet Dreams!