Sound Asleep – A comedy short film, coming soon
I’m a part time insomniac. There, I said it. Dean is an insomniac too. And Sound Asleep is the story of the night Dean finally cracks. The film is due to shoot in the spring – read on for more details or visit Sound Asleep
Dean Just Can’t Sleep
Dean Peels is a self help writer who can’t seem to help himself. His need for sleep permeates his life. Even his motivational books are peppered with accidental references – titles like Wake Up And Smell Your Success, Get Up and Take Control of Your Future, and my personal favourite, Stop Dreaming – Start Winning.
Dean’s inability to sleep has driven his girlfriend away and his social abilities have been destroyed. He now lives his life out of sync with the world, or at least in the wrong timezone. He never sees anyone else. But he hears them. Oh, he hears them alright! At least he thinks he does.
Tonight is the umpteenth time in a row that Dean is kept awake. But tonight Dean won’t take it lying down!
Funding and Shooting Status
Sound Asleep is my second independent short comedy, after 2010’s The Opera Singer. Production is set for spring 2013. The project is partially funded and I am currently casting the role of Dean. In a few weeks I’ll post more information that might be of interest to other short film makers, especially the development and funding processes.
If you want to know more or get involved, drop me a line.
Product Placement and Branding Opportunities
The film has some product placement/branding opportunities, especially for sleep spas/sleep centres, and other sleep related products (sleep aids, bedding and mattress brands, ear plug brands etc).